Tuesday, March 8, 2011

House quirks

Robby and I bought a house last November.  We moved in last December.  So we're still fairly new to the house and just figuring out all the little quirks.  Example: Flushing the toilet leads to scalding hot water in the shower.  Just for about 20 seconds.  But 20 very LONG seconds.

Now, let me say this... We love this house.  I love decorating it because it feels more like our house everyday.  But still, this is not a new house.  It has quirks.

Guys.  I found a quirk.

The other night, Robby, being the dear and loving husband that he is, decided to start a load of laundry while I was in the shower.  So, I was enjoying the first few minutes of my shower and then... it's getting warmer.  Ok, more warm now.  No, this is getting hot.  NO, this is BURNING.

"ROBBY!" I yelled out.  "WHAT are you POSSIBLY doing right now???"

I'm not one to discourage laundry doing(especially when I'm not the one doing it) but this was like the shower was on perma-flush.  Luckily, Robby heard me yelling and turned it off.

We're still learning things about this house.  We're still learning things about photography.  And life.  And parenting.  But I hope we don't stop anytime soon.  When you stop learning, you stop growing.

Not that it has anything remotely to do with this post... he's just adorable:

Have a fabulous Monday!

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